Cee’s Fun Photo Challenge: Leaves and Trees

Cee’s challenge theme this week is Leaves and Trees

every spring all the helicopters from the fall turn into tiny trees

every spring all the helicopters from the fall turn into tiny trees

new leaves on the tree out front, looking up with my back against the trunk

new leaves on the tree out front, looking up with my back against the trunk

dew droplets on a leaf

dew droplets on a leaf

leaves at the nature center in the fall

leaves at the nature center in the fall

7 thoughts on “Cee’s Fun Photo Challenge: Leaves and Trees

  1. They are beautiful photos – even the one of the little maple seedling which made me cringe. Every spring I have to pull out dozens and dozens and dozens of those persistent little things out of my garden, lawn and even between the cracks of the patio stones. They drive me insane!

    • I feel bad pulling up/killing little trees but there are so freakin many of them there really is no other choice! The one I don’t like is when you don’t get them right away and they really take hold of things. I’m hoping to find time soon to get rid of them. oh that elusive free time…

      • LOL! It doesn’t take long before they get some pretty deep roots and a bit of digging is involved. That’s why I get a bit panicky when there is so many!!
        So much to do … so little time 🙂

      • The one I never knew was that lilacs apparently send out shoots underground and they grow new lilacs a few feet away. Or at least that seems to be what I have going on…

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